Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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An emancipated minor is an individual under 23 years of age who is no longer considered a dependent and is not supported by their parent(s) or any other individual. An emancipated minor can begin establishing their domicile on the date they become emancipated.

A person must be legally emancipated before he or she is qualified to establish a domicile separate from the domicile of one’s parents. Emancipation for tuition purposes takes place automatically when a person turns 23 years of age, or marries, or is a military service member, or commences a post-baccalaureate degree-granting program. The clock then starts for establishing domicile (physical presence and intent) and the student must wait 12 months to become eligible for in-state tuition.

A person who is unmarried and under 23 years of age at the beginning of the one-year waiting period and who wishes to claim "emancipated minor" status must prove that he or she is completely self-supporting and financially independent of his or her parents or legal guardian(s).

Emancipation must be proven in the following way:

  • Evidence from parents or legal guardian(s) demonstrating an absence of entitlement to claim or right to the care, custody, and earnings of the minor, as well as of the duty to support the minor, with documentation of the fact that the minor has not been claimed as a tax deduction on income tax returns. Emancipation under these circumstances is the act of the parent and not of the child. If there is a duty to support the minor, as, for instance, a court order in a divorce decree, there is no emancipation.

  • Parents or other individuals must no longer support the minor and make no provision for support. Support includes gifts, trust funds, loans, and assets established by parents or someone other than yourself on your behalf regardless of the date of receipt.

  • The minor must document that they are independently able to meet all financial obligations without any financial help of any kind from any other individual. Examples of financial obligations include, but are not limited to:
  • Tuition and fees
  • Rent and food
  • Medical expenses, including individual health insurance
  • Vehicle expenses, including individual insurance
  • Other miscellaneous factors (e.g. cell phone plans, credit card, gym membership, etc.)

​ Complete the Emancipation Addendum as a part of your petition for in-state tuition.​​

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